Diamond Jewellery
In a world that is fickle, fake and not so beautiful, a diamond comes with the promise of lasting beauty, strength and value. Our diamond jewellery is created with the promise that each diamond is beautiful, pure and rare.
Over the past few years, diamonds have made a steady price appreciation. B N Jewellers has a worldwide customer base for its diamond jewellery and we provide the best quality of jewellery and solitaire for future appreciation.
If you are worried about losing diamond jewellery, we can now help you to insure it. The best thing is that diamonds are inflation proof, just like gold, silver and platinum. Diamond jewellery is a highly movable and durable investment.
What are some things you should know before you invest in diamonds?
The 4C Diamond Buying Guide
Diamonds are graded on these four criteria. Therefore, the better the cut, color, clarity and carat value, the higher its worth.
Cut: Diamond Cut is the most important factor when choosing your diamond. It is the cut that creates the luster, the fire and the glitter. Without a properly cut grade, even a high-quality diamond will look dull and boring.
All diamonds are cut from rough stones and the cutter must balance optimal cut against maximum weight. The cut grade is important for the beauty and appearance. For example, a too-deep cut stone might give a significantly larger diamond in carat weight, but pale in comparison to a smaller, well cut diamond.
Not all diamonds are pure white. They come in a variety of shades. Some of these colored diamonds are highly rare and valued too.
However, in a white diamond, the presence of a yellow shade will lower its value. White diamonds are graded on their ‘whiteness’, the lesser body color in a white stone, the more light it will reflect and the more expensive it is.
There is an internationally recognized color grading scale for diamonds right from D through Z(D-Z). All D-Z diamonds are white,but they have varying degrees of color.
Color is the second-most important element in judging the value of a diamond. The highest quality is colorless ‘D’ color diamonds, and as you move towards the lower colored diamonds they have a pale-yellow tinge.
Diamond clarity means the very minute flaws on the diamond’s surface and internal structure. The ones on the surface are called blemishes and the internal faults are called inclusions.
Since these are microscopic in nature and not visible to the untrained eye, they don’t impact the diamond’s appeal in any way. But they have an impact on the pricing. Diamonds with the least flaws and smallest inclusions have the highest clarity grade and highest pricing. However, if you are shopping for a diamond, don’t worry too much about clarify because gemologists give the least preference to this aspect.
Now carat is a term that most buyers are familiar with. It is often mistaken as the diamond’s size, but it actually refers to the diamond’s weight. When comparing different quality diamonds, take both the cut and carat into consideration. Higher carat diamonds with poor cut-grade will look smaller and duller. Use the 4 Cs as a guide whenever buying diamonds and don’t get swayed just by weight or cut or carat.
Other factors:
At the B N Jewellers, we pride ourselves on our collection of the most unique and beautiful diamond jewellery. We have a stunning range of the classic round shaped diamonds but also some of the finest fancier shapes. Be it a princess-cut diamond that you desire, or an emerald cut or marquise cut diamond, we can offer whatever your heart desires.
We provide internationally acclaimed International Gemological Institute(IGI) certificates for all our diamond jewellery on demand. This means that you get a certificate stating the precise assessment of the diamond’s quality – cut color, clarity and carat weight.
Our Diamond Jewellery:
Diamond Rings, Diamond Earrings, Diamond pendants, Diamond bangles, Diamond Necklaces, Solitaire Jewellery, Diamond Bracelets, Diamond Mangalsutra, Diamond Nose Pins